Prospecting Systems That Work
If your Prospecting Program needs a boost BCA will give you a new perspective. We know what it takes to build an insurance or financial planning business and when it comes to prospecting and marketing products like annuities and life insurance, you need to work smarter and not harder.
Often prospecting can come down to valuable data and quality programs and that is exactly why we focus on keeping our marketing systems current and relevant. BCA’s commitment to your success can be easily seen in the quality of our prospecting systems and products. Over the years BCA has created multiple Prospecting Programs that have proven success ratios.

You do not need to find an expensive marketing guru to give ideas for increasing your insurance prospecting results. Instead what you need is proven and unique methods of prospecting that deliver consistent results. We understand that the independent insurance agent faces the marketing position of selling financial guidance, which means that all campaigns will not work the same for every prospect. That’s why we have a variety of niche prospecting systems that work.
Brokers’ Choice of America continues to provide distinctive prospecting systems that deliver field tested results and take the guessing out of marketing efforts. BCA will help you to identify and focus on lead generation tools that blend well with your business model, and help you to grow your clientele.
Niche Direct Mail Systems – Unique and time tested mailing that get results.
Newspaper Advertising – Field tested unique newspaper prospecting that works, simple – sleek with results.
BCA Marketing Systems – This is a broad category of uniquely developed turn-key systems that are available. For more information call your business development advisor today.
Social Media Marketing – A turn-key package that includes a powerful consumer presentation and a low cost marketing Approach that results in consistent lead flow.
Radio Show –Unique to BCA – our founder himself will help you to develop and tweak your radio show to get results. Learn about benchmarking and developing unique content for each show. Learn about the valuable resources available to you that BCA can offer